6TH GRADE: Genesis 1:1-12

7TH GRADE: Mark 1:4-13

8TH GRADE:Canticle of the Sun by St. Francis of Assisi

REFLECT: What does this reading say to you about how God feels about Creation? What does it tell you about how God cares for us through Creation?

Write a prayer with your intentions for how you will care for the natural world this week.

EXTENSION: For the Season of Creation, include your prayer intentions in your school liturgy. Share your prayers on twitter throughout the month using the hashtag #DiscoverYourNeighbor. @maryknollmepd.


Care for creation is one of the seven major themes of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). CST guides us to understand that the ways we treat the Earth, all forms of life, and the Earth’s resources reflect the way we feel about God.

Catholic Social Teaching uses the phrase, “Stewardship of creation.” This means that we are not to take it for granted. Instead, we are to be caretakers of the Earth and its resources. Creation was given by God to all, and it is our responsibility to share, care, and use only what we need.

Want to know more? Watch this video about Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Care for Our Common Home.